Sri Lankan Sapphires: A Look into the History, Value, and Beruwala Region

Sapphires have been a popular gemstone for centuries, prized for their beauty, durability, and versatility. Sri Lankan sapphires, in particular, have a rich and storied history, as well as exceptional quality that makes them highly sought after. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Sri Lankan sapphires, their history, the most valuable stones ever sold, and the Beruwala region famous for gem merchants.

A Brief History of Sri Lankan Sapphires

Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon, has been a hub for the gemstone trade for centuries, with a long and rich history of mining and trading. The island’s rich deposits of minerals and gems, including sapphires, have made it a sought-after source for these precious stones. The earliest evidence of gemstone mining in Sri Lanka dates back to 500 BC, with sapphires being one of the most popular and valuable gems found on the island.

Sri Lankan sapphires were prized by ancient Greeks and Romans for their beauty, and they believed that these stones had the power to protect against evil and harm. In medieval times, sapphires were thought to have healing properties and were used to treat a range of ailments. In Sri Lanka, sapphires were once considered sacred, and many believed that they had magical powers.

The Most Valuable Sri Lankan Sapphires Ever Sold

Sri Lankan sapphires have always been highly valued, with some stones fetching millions of dollars at auctions. One of the most famous Sri Lankan sapphires is the Blue Belle of Asia, a 400-carat sapphire that sold for over $17 million at a Christie’s auction in 2014. Another notable Sri Lankan sapphire is the Star of Adam, a 1,404-carat stone that was valued at over $300 million. However, the Star of Adam remains unsold, and its current whereabouts are unknown.

Beruwala Region and its Gem Merchants

The Beruwala region in Sri Lanka is renowned for its gem merchants, who are known for their expertise in the gemstone trade. The Beruwala Gem Market is one of the oldest and most established markets in the country, with over 150 gem shops and merchants offering a wide range of gemstones, including sapphires.

The gem merchants in Beruwala are renowned for their transparency and honesty in their dealings. They are also known for their expertise in assessing the quality and value of gemstones, making them a popular destination for those seeking high-quality Sri Lankan sapphires.

Sri Lankan sapphires have a rich and storied history, with a long tradition of mining and trading on the island. Their exceptional quality, historical significance, and value make them highly sought after by collectors and jewelry makers alike. The Beruwala region and its gem merchants are an integral part of the Sri Lankan sapphire trade, offering a wide range of high-quality stones that are known for their transparency and honesty. If you’re looking for the best Sri Lankan sapphires, the Beruwala region is definitely worth a visit.